Homeland Shopping FAQ

Homeland Information Page

We find it helpful when shopping Homeland to make a list of everything you're shopping for together with all the coupons you plan on using. Having both those things at hand will help keep you organized so that you don't miss something you wanted to purchase or forget to use a coupon on something you did.

If you're new to Homeland you may have some questions. Below are some FAQ to hopefully make shopping at Homeland a little more clearer.

NOTE: If you shop the Country Mart stores in Lawton, ALL of the info below applies to your locations also 🙂

Q: On what day does the new Homeland ad start?
A: The Homeland ad runs from Wednesday thru the following Tuesday.

Q: Does Homeland double coupons?
A: Yes, all Homeland stores double coupons. They double up and including 50¢ but will only double one identical coupon per family, per day. For example, if you have (3) 50¢/1 Tide detergent coupons and you buy 3 Tide detergents, only the first coupon will double to $1.00. The other other two will just be 50¢ off each.

Q: Does Homeland allow stacking of coupons?
A: Yes, Homeland will allow the use of a store coupon + a manufacturer's coupon on one item.

Q: Will Homeland accept coupons with other store's logos if they are manufacturer's coupons?
A: If the coupon states “available” or “redeemable at” another store they will take them. If the coupon states “redeem at” , “only at” or just lists the store name, they will not take it.

Q: Will I need a store loyalty card to get sale prices?
A: You'll need to sign up for a Homeland ONE card to get sale prices AND to have your coupons double.

Q: How do I sign up for a Homeland ONE card?
A: You can get a ONE card at your local Homeland store, just visit customer service or a cashier for an application.

Q: What are fuel rewards?
A: Although not all Homelands have fuel stations you can earn fuel rewards at all stores.  You'll earn 5¢ per gallon in fuel rewards savings for every $50 of qualifying purchases using your ONE card. The savings are automatically loaded to your ONE card and you'll get 5¢ off per gallon when you swipe your card at participating fuel stations. Homeland will also occasionally run sales in which you can earn fuel rewards for purchasing participating products without having to spend $50.
Participating fuel stations and instructions for signing up are listed here.

Q: When Homeland has a 10/$10.00 sale do I have to buy 10 to get the sale price?
A. Nope, during these sales all of the participating items are priced at $1.00 ea. and you can buy as many as you want at that price.

Q: How does a BOGO free sale work at Homeland?
A: When Homeland has a BOGO free sale you must buy 2 in order to get the discount. However, you may use a coupon on both items (even the free one).

Q. Does Homeland issue rainchecks?
A. Yes they do! Remember though, if you ask for more than one of the same item on your raincheck you'll have to buy them all when you use it.  They won't allow you to keep your raincheck for use later.  For example, if you ask for a raincheck for 5 boxes of Cheerios, you'll have to buy all you want up to 5, in one transaction and turn in your raincheck.

Q. When Homeland has a “Buy 5, get $5.00 off” at the register or a similar promo can I do more than one deal in a transaction?
A. Yes you can. For example, if they are offering $5.00 off when you buy 5 Quaker products, you can buy 10 and get $10 off. Just remember though, Homeland has a limit of how many identical coupons they will double so if  you need to use several of the same coupons for the deals it might be better to do separate transactions.

Have a question not answered here? Post it below and we'll get it answered 🙂