FREE Snickers Bar for Essential Workers – YUM (First 1,000,000)
FREE Snickers Bar!
Frontline Workers Get FREE Snicker Bar!
🎵How sweet it is to Be Loved By You …🎵 That's what our Hero Essential Workers are gonna be singing soon …. Snickers wants to thank them by offering a FREE Candy Bar! Since trying to get chocolate to so many people might get a little messy, it’ll be awarded as an $1.00 eGift Card to Walmart! Valid for the first 1,000,000 and there is a limit of 2 per person according to the fine print. Hurry and click here to give your hero a treat.
You'll fill out a short form, entering your phone number and the name/phone number of the worker you'd like to receive the eGift Card. Plus, for every bar sent, they'll also make a donation to support first responders through Operation Gratitude.
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