Friday Freebies: Kroger (& Affilates), Shop ‘n Save & More
Friday Freebies!
Every Friday, many stores offer a “freebie” to their cardholders. Here's a list of the ones we know about. If your store isn't listed, tell us your Friday Freebie! You must download offers TODAY to use until they expire.
NOTE: Some freebies you'll download to your store loyalty card and some you download using your phone app
- Kroger (and affiliates) – Receive ONE (1) FREE Ocean Spray Diet or Light Juice Drink (64 oz). Download coupon here (exp.7-1)
. - Farm Fresh – no freebie this week. Stores have been purchased by another company – not sure if freebie will continue.
Shop ‘n Save is now part of the Hornbacher's family of stores. Click on your store to grab the freebie(s) below:
FREE! Stone Ridge Creamery Fudge Bars, 30oz. – expires 6/21
- Hornbacher’s (located in MN and ND)
- Shop ‘n Save (located in IL and MO) – no freebie this week?
- Shoppers Food (located in MD and VA)
- Cub Stores (located in IL and MN)
We'll be adding stores to the weekly line up as we go along, so be sure and notify us of any freebies not listed here.
Don't miss this deal!
Purina pet food for as low as $2.67. Checkout all the new coupons and deals you can score on Purina at Walmart. Get the details here.