
TOP 4 Alternatives to Cable!

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More Frugal Tips /My Royal Kitchen/Craft & DIY /RedCarpetMamas

If you've decided to cut the cord on cable and save some cash, here's our top four alternatives:

1. Netflix: Perhaps the more popular alternative, Netflix offers streaming movies and TV shows for as low as $7.99 per month. You can watch it on just about any device in your home. You can try Netflix FREE for a month – just click here to get started. There's no commitment with Netflix, you can cancel at any time.

2. HuluPlus: Similar to Netflix in that you can watch it on your iPad, laptop or gaming console like your Wii and plans start as low as  $7.99 per month. HuluPlus offers TV shows, hit movies, original series and more! Showtime is also available at $8.99 per month and there is a commercial-free option. You can check it out by clicking here.

3. Apple TV: Apple TV runs $149.00 for the equipment and then, you pay to ‘rent' or watch the movies and shows of your choice. You will have access to thousands of movies and TV shows from iTunes which is awesome, the bummer is the renting part. You stream it via your Wii, Xbox, PS3  and many other devices. Personally, I like just paying a flat fee for things so I don't have to keep track of how much I've spent. In saying that, people swear by Apple TV so you might want to check it out. You can also stream your Netflix account through Apple TV which is another plus.

4. Amazon Prime: It's very similar to Netflix, you stream it onto your TV or other device. You pay a YEARLY fee of $99 for unlimited access to movies and TV shows. Another PLUS is you'll also have unlimited access to Kindle books, free shipping from Amazon , ad-free music and more! You can try Amazon Prime FREE for a month – just click here.

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