Introducing ValpakRx
“This post is sponsored by” ValpakRx is a prescription savings card you can use to save when purchasing your prescriptions! Find out more here.
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What is ValpakRx?
ValpakRx is a free mobile app and prescription discount card! If you are familiar with how prescription discount cards work, you know that it can help customers nationwide save money. The ValpakRx card finds the lowest price on prescriptions when you go to purchase them at your local pharmacy.
How Does It Work?
If this sounds great but you're wondering how it's possible, to put it simply, ValpakRx has a discounted rate for prescriptions with a national network of drugstores and retailers. They can pass those savings on to you, the consumer. See more details here.
Where can you use your ValpakRx Card?
This is an important aspect of signing up for any card! More than 35,000 stores have now partnered with ValpakRx. It's a FREE card, and no personal info is collected by them.
It can help if insurance doesn't cover a your certain prescription, or you happen to have a high deductible you may not be able to afford. Of course savings vary by pharmacy, and medication. But you can look up your prescription online for an estimate or idea of what it may cost.
Prescription Costs Can be Frustrating
Most of us know the frustration of going to the doctor, getting a prescription and hoping it will be a quick solution to the illness– all to realize the prescription is going to cost a LOT of money! I've been there and it was such a bad feeling to be standing in the pharmacy, trying to figure out what to do, along with texting my husband to let him know!
In instances like mine, it would be so helpful to have another option to save money on the prescription. Even if it was only a small amount cheaper- like $10- it would help! You can find out more about ValpakRx here and if it's for you, you can sign up for your own card.