Coupon Network Catalina Savings Printer Upgrade
Beginning October 16th, 2012, Coupon Network will be rolling out a new print activator upgrade. This upgrade will require all users (both new and current) to download a new print activator, the Catalina Savings Printer.
The Catalina Savings Printer is a browser plug-in that provides required security demanded by both manufacturers and retailers as well as enables high-quality prints for easy scanning at checkout. Installation will be a simple, one-time process.
The new Catalina Savings Printer will eliminate the previous print issues experienced with the original print activator and will support the following operating systems and browsers:
• Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 when used with the following browsers: Internet Explorer 7.x and above (64bit and 32bit); Firefox 12.x and above; Chrome 13.x and above; and Safari 4.x and above.
• Mac OS X 10.5 and above when used with the following browsers: Safari 4.x and above, Firefox 12.x and above and Chrome 13.x and above.The Catalina Savings Printer will be updated from time to time to support newer versions of popular browsers, so please check back for additions to this list.
Users will be prompted to upgrade to the Catalina Savings Printer in order to enjoy uninterrupted printing. Please note that the upgrade is scheduled to begin October 16th, 2012 however the plan is to roll out the Catalina Savings Printer to 500 users a day and not all at once. Existing users can continue to print with the original coupon print activator until prompted to upgrade.
Can you help me please? I have installed the catalina printer to be able to print coupons for target, etc. But it’s telling me “sorry, unable to print” because I don’t have the catalina printer…..can you tell me what to do?
Here’s what it could be: After downloading the catalina printer you have to then open it up and hit run for it to be actually put on your computer. If you have done this already you might want to remove any of the downloads you have of the catalina printer from your computer and try downloading it again. Hope this helps 🙂
i have been printing target coupons for over a year . yesterday i was prompted to upgrade the catalina coupon software , now it wont let me print because it is saying my printer is not compatable with the software.
I am having the exact same problem. It keeps telling me there is no suitable plug-in. For me it happened after I updated my Firefox browser to their new version. I have uninstalled and reinstalled a 100 times and defragged etc. No luck. I even searched the web for a plug-in.
I downloaded the Catalina Program and whenever I print the Coupons they come out so big that I can’t get the barcode part. What can I do to fix this. I rely on my coupons!
cant down load catalina prim
nter savings…where it says click here to down load they have it covered with other print and cant get at it..
Trying to download catalina savings printer. I’m told there’s no suitable plugin. Please help!
Michelle, that sounds like computer issues… you may have to download something in order to get it to work. Check for any help buttons on the site 🙂
Does anyone know where I can download the catalina printer? I tried hitting the download button on the target website and nothing happened.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Nicole try going to and click on one of their coupons and it should prompt you to download the catalina printer 🙂
I printed last week just fine, today catalina coupon printer is prompting a virus notice from my antivirus software, I deleted, downloaded again and still cannot print. Is anyone else having that problem?
I don’t know why the new printer is giving some people problems. It sounds like maybe the settings on your antivirus may need to be changed. Make sure you have your computer set to accept the coupon site as a safe site.
I have nothing but issues with the Catalina Printers for coupons since mid March 2013. For many years I had no problems printing up coupons. I am having the same issues as Shannon, Carrie and Kelly mentioned in the above posts. I’ve tried using Firefox, Internet Explorer and Google Chrome and nothing works. Every time I down load the Catialina Program it slows my computer down and takes forever to get a message saying that PDF printers may not be compatible with the program, there is no suitable plugins or their is a script error. I’ve even tried using several computers outside my house and get the same messages. Catinalina is not eliminating print issues…they are creating coupon nightmares for people that rely on prints from Target and other stores.
I keep getting a problem with this webpage caused it to shut down and try to reload.
You mention something about allowing it to accept coupon printers. Can you tell us where we find that setting.
I’m actually able to print all other coupons except Catalina
I’m having the same issues also. what is weird I can print from coupon network sites from my home computer and its using XP. But, for my desktop work computer, and laptop both of uses W7 I’m unable to print anymore! When I try printing from IE it encounters an error and closes the program completely. Same for printing from Target website. I’ve sent an email to CP support site they come back stating sorry you’re having trouble printing our coupons. We have our support working on the issue and will get back with you. Well that’s been over 2 1/2 months now. They need to get this fixed A.S.A.P missing out on good coupons monthly.
Having problems just deleting the whole Catalina savings Printer from my computer since it will not work anymore. I tried to upgrade and it never got to the agreement page for and it will not uninstall.
Ever since Target switched to the Catalina printer, I have had zero luck printing off coupons. It shuts down my Internet Explorer. I tried downloading Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. It just doesn’t work. I turned off my firewall, my anti-virus protection, and signed on as an administrator, and nothing works. I too am able to print directly from the Coupon Network website which to me makes no sense if Catalina runs Coupon Network and Target. I have missed out on so many Target coupon deals. I wish more people would complain about it. Maybe they would actually care to try and fix the issues. 🙁
I have had the same issues as most of the other ladies. I installed Catalina and I’ve tried to run it and print coupons and nothing works. nothing at all. It’s so frustrating!!!!!! I have no idea what to try anymore and I’m really disappointed in this. In the meantime thanks to Cartwheel and the Target app for some savings.
UGH, printed fine a few days ago and now nothing. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the catalina printer and nothing. This is so frustrating.
I have just upgraded the software for catalina. Every time that I try to print coupons, it will print one page, wait about 5 minutes then print the next page. In between, I would get an error message from my HP printer saying it could not print my coupons. This has been happening ever since I upgraded the software.