Organic Baby Food Pouches – 12 Pack – Just $11.75 on Amazon!
Organic Baby Food Pouches $11.75!
Calling all parents! Check out for these Organic Baby Food Pouches in a 12 pack for just $11.75 and free shipping for Amazon Prime members or with a $25.00 purchase for non-members. These pouches are 4 oz each, so at this price they are much cheaper than grocery store options. The most comparable option I found on Walmart was a Gerber 9 pack of 3.5 oz pouches for $11.94, so this is a great option to get more pouches and more product in each for a lesser price! There are 16 flavors to choose from including fruit and veggie blends to get your child their daily servings in a tasty way that they will love! I am stocking up for my daughter as these are great on the go snacks that she doesn't make a mess with! These are normally $12.75, so make sure you clip the $1 off coupon to get the best price!
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