Yankee Candle: Medium Candles $7.50 w/Coupon (Reg. $25)
Yankee Candle Lovers!
There's a new coupon for select medium candles that make them 70% off! You'll be able to score up to 5 medium candles for $7.50 each. The regular price of the candles is $25.00 so a great deal!
The offer is valid in-store and online. If shopping online use code: 18MED at checkout to get your discount. Excludes WoodWick and Chesapeake Bay candles.
Get your coupon by clicking here.
Thanks FreebieShark!
Oklahoma City shoppers, there’s a Yankee Candle store located in Penn Square Mall ?
Excludes ALL Yankee Candle outlet stores, Target, Meijer, Staples, Belk, Y.C. fundraising, Collegiate Fan coupons and AmericanHome.