Buy For Less Ad Deals 1/10 – 1/16
Buy For Less Coupon Club * Coupon Policy* Buy For Less Deals
This Week's Buy For Less Cpns:
- $.50/1 Del Monte Ketchup
- $1.00/1 Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing
- $1.00/1 Cheerios or Kix Double Pack
Coupons valid thru Jan. 20th – not a member yet? Click on the link above to join
- Premium Haas Avacados 3/$1.00
- Green Cabbage 4-lbs/$1.00
- California Premium Navel Oranges 4-lb. Bag $1.97
- Fresh Express Premium Old fashioned Cole Slaw 16-oz. $.97
- Premium Hot Jalapeno Peppers $.66/lb.
- Premium Imported Cheries $3.99/lb
- Bambino Watermelons $1.97 ea.
- Premium Red, Bosc, or Anjou Pears $.87/lb.
Dairy & Frozen:
Banquet Pot Pies $.68
Michelina's Frozen Entrees $.99
Use $1.00/5 any Michelina's Frozen Entrees printable
Final price: 5/$3.95 ($.79 ea.)
Totino's Crisp Crust Party Pizzas $1.28
Use $1.00/4 Totino's Crisp Crust Pizza printable
Final price: 4/$4.12 ($1.03 ea.)
Durkee Chili Seasoning 2/$1.00
Use $1.00/2 Durkee Seasoning Mix SS 12-4 (exp. 12-3-2012)
Final price: 2/FREE!
Campbell's Chicken Noodle or Tomato Soup $.59
Use $1.00/5 Campbell's Soups printableFinal price: 5/$1.95 ($.39 ea.)
Betty Crocker Fudge Brownies $.99
Original Cheerios, Honey Nut Cheerios or Lucky Charms 3/$5.00
Use $1.00/3 GM Cereals GM 1-8 (exp. 2-18)
OR use $1.00/2 Cheerios Cereals printable
Final price: as low as 2/$2.34 ($1.17 ea.)
Health & Beauty:
Hall's Warm-Ups or Sugar Free Cough Drops 20-25 ct. $.50
Use $1.00/2 Hall's Cough Drops printable
Final price: 2/FREE!
Colgate Toothpaste 6.4- oz.- select varieties $.99
Use $.75/1 any Colgate Toothpaste 4.0-oz. or larger SS 1-1-12 (exp. 1-21)
Final price: $.24!
Pantene Shampoo/Conditioner $2.99
Use $3.00/2 Pantene P&G 1-1 (exp. 1-31)
Final price: 2/$2.98 ($1.49 ea.)
Buy 10 participating Kraft items and get $5.00 off instantly at the register (comes to $.50 off per item). The final prices in the above picture is AFTER the $.50 discount.
Buy 6 Nabisco Ritz Crackers $2.48 ea.
Buy 4 Kraft Shredded Cheese $2.48 ea.
Subtotal: $24.80
Use (3) $1.00/2 Nabisco Crackers printable-facebook
OR use (3) $1.00/2 Nabisco Snacks printable
Use (4) $.50/1 Kraft Shredded Cheese printable
Final price: $19.80 – get $5.00 off at register = 10/$14.80 ($1.48 ea.)