Buy For Less Matchups 4/30 – 5/6
Here's your Buy For Less matchups for this week!
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The Best Deals:
⭐FREE dozen Best Choice large eggs with app coupon
Hiland yogurt cups 38¢
Chicken of the Sea chunk light tuna 77¢
Birds Eye frozen veggies (select) 10-16 oz. 88¢
Rainbo Sara Lee white bread 24-oz. $1.68
Other Deals:
Hiland fruit drink 98¢/gallon
Little Debbie mini donuts 9.25 – 10 oz. $1.25
Borden natural slices or shredded cheese 6-8 oz. $1.67
- Cara Cara oranges 50¢ each
- Vidalia sweet onions 88¢/lb.
- Dole American, Italian or Spring Mix salads $1.50
- strawberries 1-lb. $1.50
- blueberries $2.88/pint
- Ready Pack salads 4.5 – 7.75 oz. $2.97
- all natural split chicken breasts valu pak 88¢/lb.
- all natural pork country style ribs valu pak 99¢/lb.
- all natural Chef's Prime assorted pork chops $1.49/lb.
- El Monterey taquitos 21-ct. $5.00
Decorative Outdoor Pillows 50% Off at Michaels
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