Buy For Less Matchups 4/9 – 4/15
Here's your Buy For Less matchups for this week!
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The Best Deals:
If you plan on doing some shopping, there's a $5 off a $40 purchase in the Buy For Less app.
Best Choice spaghetti or elbow macaroni 16-oz. 77¢
Hiland dip or sour cream 16-oz. $1.48
Use .50/1 printable here
Final price: 98¢!
Hamburger, Tuna or Chicken Helper 4-8 oz. 98¢
Birds Eye frozen corn, broccoli cuts, peas or mixed veggies 10-16 oz. 98¢
Wisconcin's Finest shredded cheese 8-oz. $1.68
Sara Lee honey wheat bread 20-oz. $1.98
Maxwell House coffee (select) 28-30.6 oz. $4.99
Other Deals:
Borden American cheese slices 12-oz. $1.88
Tombstone original 12″ pizzas $3.33
- purple eggplant 88¢ each
- red or green or Romaine leaf lettuce 98¢ each
- large personal watermelons $2.48 each
- Washington extra fancy Pazazz apples $1.67/lb.
- Sumo oranges $2.97/lb.
- Dole baby spinach or Spring mix 10-oz. $3.47
- Buddig wafer sliced meats 2-oz. 59¢
- Chairman's Reserve all natural boneless center cut pork loin chops valu pak $1.99/lb.
- Ball park original or bun size meat franks 15-oz. $2
- Peach Crest Ranch 85% lean grass-fed, pasture raised ground beef $3.99/lb.
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