
HOT Coupon Deals at Crest Foods 5/16/19

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Crest Hot Coupon Deals!

Here's the hottest coupon deals we see at Crest this week. These deals and in-store coupons were found at the Edmond location but most likely will be at all stores with the exception of the Norman location as they tend to do their own thing.

Crest has no set time as to when prices change. Some may last a week while others last for months. If you see something you like, don't delay!

The Hottest Deals 🔥

Sunbelt Bakery granola bars $1.25
Use .75/1 SS 5-5 (exp. 6-30)
OR use $1.00/1 printable here 
Final price: as low as 25¢!

Butterfinger, Baby Ruth, Crunch or 100 Grand candy singles 74¢
Use .50/2 RMN 4-7 (exp. 6-30)
Final price: 2/.98 (49¢ each)

Nabisco Premium Saltines 98¢
Use .75/1 SS 5-19 (exp. 6-29)
Final price: 2/$1.21 (60¢ each!) – if price lasts thru 5-19

Pace hot picante sauce 24-oz. 98¢
Use .75/2 SS 4-28 (exp. 5-28)
Final price: 2/$1.21 (60¢ each)

Keebler Town House or Club Crackers $1.67 
Use $1.00/1 KFR rewards coupon – cost 850 points
Final price: 67¢

Nabisco Good Thins $1.25
Use $1.00/2 SS 4-14 (exp. 5-25)
Final price: 2/$1.50 (75¢ each)

Ritz crackers 12.5 oz. $1.25
Use .75/2 SS 4-7 (exp. 5-18)
Final price: 2/$1.75 (87¢ each)

Ragu pasta sauce (select) $1.25
Use $1.00/2 RMN SS 5-12 (exp. 6-9)
Final price: 2/$1.50 (75¢ each!)

Bic Soleil disposable shavers $3.97
Use $3.00/1 SS 5-5 (exp. 5-25)
OR $1.00/1 peelie coupons on packs
Final price: as low as 97¢!

Suave Professionals for Men shampoo $1.98
Use $2.00/2 RMN (#1) 5-12 (exp. 5-26)
Final price: 2/$1.96 (98¢ each!)

Herbal Essences shampoo & conditioner $2.00
Submit receipt for $1.00/1 Herbal Essences shampoo ibotta rebate – limit 5 (expires 5-20!)
Submit receipt for $1.00/1 Herbal Essences conditioner ibotta rebate – limit 5 (expires 5-20!)
Final price: $1 each!

Suave body wash 12-oz. $1.50
Use $1.00/2 RMN (#1) 5-12 (exp. 5-26)
Final price: 2/$2.00 ($1 each!)

Crest Complete Deep Clean toothpaste 5.8 oz. $2.00
Use $1.00/1 RMN (#2) 5-12 (exp. 5-25) – limit 2 per day!
Final price: $1.00!

Pop-Tarts 12-ct. $2.00
Use $3.00/5 printable here
Final price: 5/$7.00 ($1.40 each for a 12-ct box!)

Kingsford Memphis Dry Rub pork ribs 1.5 lb. $5.99 (reg. $11.99)
*$1.00/1 coupon inside pack 
Use it to pay $4.99 on your next purchase – awesome price!


Mrs. Cubbisons Croutons 2/$1.00 (must buy 2)
Use $1.00/2 printable here
Final price: 2/FREE!

Pillsbury Grands Jrs. 5-ct. 99¢
Use $1.00/3 SS 4-14 (exp. 7-6)
Final price: 3/$2.00 (67¢ each)

Core pH balanced water 23.9 oz. $1.25
Use $1.00/2 coupons hanging from bottles
Final price: 2/$1.50 (75¢ each)

Keebler Chips Deluxe (and other)  20% more bonus packs $1.67
*basket item but may find it on the shelf too
Use $1.00/1 KFR rewards coupon – cost 850 points
Final price: 67¢

Kelloggs Giant Size cereals (Froot Loops, Frosted Flakes and others) $3.98
Use $1.00/1 KFR rewards coupon – cost 850 points
OR $3.00/5 any Kellogg's cereals printable here
OR $1.00/2 Apple Jacks – $1.00/2 Corn Pops printable here 
Final price: as low as $2.98
*check ibotta app for rebates!


Angel Soft bath tissue 12-pk double rolls (= 24 reg. rolls) $4.98
Use $1.00/1 RMN (#1) 5-5 (exp. 6-5)
Final price: $3.98 (17¢ per reg. roll!)

Sparkle 6 giant rolls (= 9 reg. rolls) $5.00
Use $1.00/1 printable here
Final price: $4.00 (44¢ per reg. roll)!)

Personal Care:

Bic Flex4, Flex3 or Hybrid 3 disposable shavers $3.97
Use $1.00/1 peelie coupons on packs
Final price: $2.97!

If you know of any hot coupon deals not listed be sure and let us know!

Happy Shopping!

Join our Hot Deals Group on Facebook!

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