CVS Sneak Peek: Freebies & Great Deals Starting 5/20
We've got FREE Ocean Spray & Salonpas this week as well as some good deals on Pepsi Next, Irish Spring & VO5 🙂
If your CVS carries any of the cherry varieties of Ocean Spray you can score 2 for FREE!
Ocean Spray Juice BOGO Free
Use Buy OS Cranberry Juice 64-oz. and get any OS Cherry Juice 64-oz. FREE printable
Final price: 2/FREE!
Salonpas Hot Capsicum Patch -1ct $1.87
Get $1.87 ECB wyb 1
Final price: pay $1.87 – get $1.87 ECB = FREE!
Pepsi product 2-liters $.99 – limit 5
Use $.55/1 Pepsi Next 2-liter Pepsico insert 4-29 (exp. 5-19)
Final price: $.44
Irish Spring Body Wash 15-oz, or Bar Soap 6-pk, or Deodorant, 2.7-3 oz $3.50
Get $4.00 ECB wyb 2
Buy 2 Irish Spring Body Wash $7.00
Use (2) $1.00/1 Irish Spring Body Wash – CVS Reinventing Beauty mag. (exp. 5-30)
Final price: pay $5.00 – get $4.00 ECB = 2/$1.00 ($.50 ea.)
Buy 1 Irish Spring Body Wash $3.50
Buy 1 Irish Spring Deodorant $3.50
Use (1) $1.00/1 Irish Spring Body Wash – CVS Reinventing Beauty mag. (exp. 5-30)
Use $.50/1 any Irish Spring Deosorant SS 5-20
Final price: pay $5.50 – get $4.00 ECB = 2/$1.50 ($.75 ea.)
VO5 Shampoo & Conditioner 15-oz. $.89
Use $1.00/3 VO5 Shampoo/Conditioner SS 5-13 (exp.
Final price: 3/$1.67 ($.56 ea.)
Haribo Happy Cola or Raspberry Gummi Candy 5-oz $.99
Use $.30/1 any Haribo 4-oz. or larger printable (comes and goes)
Final price: $.69
Palmotive Dish Soap 10 oz – $.99
Use $.25/1 any Palmolive SS 4-29 (exp. 5-19)
Final price: $.74
Final price: pay $2.50 – get $.50 ECB =$1.00
Final price: pay $4.99 – get $3 ECB =$1.99
Arm & Hammer Spinbrush 1-ct, or Brush Head Refills 2ct $5.99
Get $2.00 ECB wyb 1 – limit 2
Use $2.00/1 any A&H Spinbrush printable-smartsource
OR use $2.00/1 any A&H Spinbrush printable
Final price: pay $3.99 – get $2 ECB = $1.99
Be sure and check back Saturday for the the complete list and any additions we've found since this post.