CVS Sneak Peek: Hot Deal on M&Ms – $.85 A Bag On 3/25!
Understanding Extra Care Bucks (ECB) * Shopping CVS
Current CVS Deals
CVS prices may differ slightly between locations. Prices listed below are based on what I have found at my CVS.
Starting 3/25 thru 3/27 you can score some BOGO free M&M's! BUT on the 3/25 you can get some for only $.85 a bag! Checkout our scenario below:
M&M's 9.9 – 12.6 oz. Bags $4.19 BOGO Free (starting 3/25 – Sun. thru Tues. only)
Limit 6 bags
Use $1.50/2 any M&Ms 9.4-oz. or larger RP 2-12 (exp. 3-25)
AND use $1.00/2 Seasonal M&M's 9.9 – 12.6 oz. – CVS cpn from scanner
Final price: 2/$1.69 ($.85 ea.!)
What I'm not sure of, is if the price on the M&Ms will change from $4.19 since they were on sale for $3.00 this week with an ECB reward. Once the sale is over sometimes they change the original price. But for now the reg. price at my location is $4.19.