How to Roll Extra Care Bucks- my “Extreme Reality” CVS Haul
CVS FAQ * Understanding Extra Care Bucks (ECB) * Current CVS Deals
Many of you have asked about how to “roll” Extra Care Bucks at CVS. I'd like to share my CVS “reality” haul from yesterday to show you how easy it is to do it!
For newbies, here's a little backgound info: Extra Care Bucks (ECB) are coupons that print attached to your receipt when you buy qualifying items from their weekly ad. The CVS ad will list certain products and then tell you how many ECB you will get when you buy it. It's like getting instant rebates. For example, in this week's ad if you buy Magic Bubbles for $1.99 CVS will give you $1.99 in ECB that will print out on your receipt after you pay. You can then use that $1.99 like money on your next purchase at CVS!
Now that you know what ECB are let's explore how you can use them to your advantage!
I shopped at CVS last week and bought several items that gave ECB and I ended up with a total of $22.50 that I could spent on my next trip in or anytime before they expired. So went yesterday to pick up a few things I saw in the ad that I wanted which would give me ECB when I bought them.
- I bought 4 Air Wick Utra Freshmatic Odor Detector Kits $6.00 ea.
Get $10.00 in ECB when you buy $20.00 worth – limit 1 offer
- I bought 1 Magic Bubbles $1.99
Get $1.99 in ECB when you buy 1 – limit 1 offer
- I bought 1 Russell Stovers single Easter Egg $.74
Get $.74 in ECB when you buy 1 – limit 1 offer
My total came to $26.73 before any tax or use of coupons.
I used (4) $4.00/1 any Airwick Freshmatic Kits from which brought the total down to $10.73.
I then used the ECB that I earned last week to pay for the rest. All I ended up paying was $1.81 in tax!! The best part is, I got $12.73 in ECB for buying the above items that I can use for next week's ad. If I see something in next week's ad that I want and will give ECB I'll use the $12.73 (or part of it) and any coupons I can find to buy it, just pay tax again and get more ECB to spend the following week! As you see, this can go on and on and on lol!!
If you are new to CVS and don't have any ECB yet, the first time you shop CVS you'll have to pay out what we call your “seed money” or the money you'll pay for the item in order to get your first ECB.
You'll want to check out our CVS weekly ad deals so you will know what coupons to use and what deals to use them on to maximize your saving on that very first trip so that your out pocket payment at the register is as little as possible. Once you get those first ECB you are good to go……just combine them with coupons and you could be getting totally free (just pay sales tax if your state has it) stuff for months lol!!!
Don't forget you can also use a CVS store coupon, manufacturer's coupon AND ECB on 1 item to pay for it, so be sure and scan your Extra Care Card at the coupon machine every week and keep scanning your card until it tells you “no more coupons, try again tomorrow” .
I hope this has helped explain how to roll your ECB. If you still have questions just leave a comment and we'll answer you back as soon as possible.
I was just wanting to know that if I have 5.00 of ecb on one recepit and have 2.00 on another one can I combin they together to make it 7.00
Yes you can….there is no limit on how many ECB you can use at one time. Just remember you don’t get change back. For example if you buy $5.00 worth of stuff and pay for it with $6.00 ECB you won’t get $1.00 back, you just lose it.