Revlon Cosmetics as Low as 29¢ at CVS This Week!
This the week to stock up on Revlon cosmetics! First, we've got cheap mascara at Walmart, now cheap shadow and nail color at CVS!
We'll earn $5 in EB for purchasing $15 in Revlon (excludes eye cosmetics) and we have a $3.00/1 coupon that we can use on what the EB offer doesn't cover.
Buy Revlon Shadowlinks $3.29 (regular price)
Use $3.00/1 any Revlon eye SS 11-8 (exp. 11-24)
Final price: 29¢
Buy Revlon Color Stay Gel Envy Nail Color $7.99
Buy Revlon Color Stay Gel Envy Diamond Top Coat $7.99
Subtotal: $15.98
Use BOGO Free printable here
Final price: pay $7.99 + earn $5 EB
*it's like it's paying $2.99 ($1.49 each!)
Understanding ExtraBucks * Shopping CVS * Current CVS Deals
Check out our How To Shop CVS video.