Dollar General: Comet Powder Cleanser 65¢ Thru 6/30!
Dollar General ads run from Sunday thru Saturday, although they may not have one every week. Join our Hot Deals Group on Facebook so you don't miss any DG deals!
Dollar General
Check out this Dollar General deal! Take your Comet Powder Cleanser coupon with you to Dollar General for a great price!
Comet Powder Cleanser 15-25 oz. $1.00
Use .35/1 Comet Powder Cleanser 14 oz or larger SS 5-21 (exp. 6-30)
Final Price: 65¢!
We only have a couple more days until this coupon expires so we didn't want to add it to our weekly post! Be sure to snag this deal if you can 🙂
Happy Shopping!