Homeland: Alexia Potato Catalina = 2 FREE Packs Of Waffle Fries

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First let me say there are TWO different Alexia cpns! One is $1.00/2 any Alexia Sweet Potato product (prev. available on coupons.com) and the other is a $1.00/2 ANY Alexia Potato product (facebook). I wanted to post that because it confused me as I didn't realize they were different and I almost used the wrong ones at the register LOL!

Yesterday I went to Homeland and bought 2 packs of Alexia Sweet Potato Fries and paid $.98 or $.49 ea. after cpns. If you've been one of our readers for very long you know I'm all for buying multiples of a product at Homeland if the price is cheap enough instead of buying just one to get it free. Check out our post on using more than one “like” coupon at Homeland.

Bought 2 Alexia Sweet Potato Fries BOGO free –
2/$3.98 or $1.99 ea

Used (2) $1.00/1 any Alexia Sweet Potato product printable (first cpn will double) – prev. available
Final price: 2/$.98 ($.49 ea.)

Today I went back to get the regular waffle fries and bought 2 again but this time out popped a $1.00 On Your Next Shopping Trip catalina cpn! I ended up getting the waffle fries free after the catalina.

Bought 2 Alexia Regular Waffle Fries BOGO free
2/$3.98 or $1.99 ea

Used (2) $1.00/1 any Alexia Potato product printable – facebook (first cpn will double)
Final price: 2/$.98 ($.49 ea.) – got $1.00 catalina = FREE!

Now if you're not into sweet potato fries and if you can get (4) $1.00/1 any Alexia cpns, you can  do the second scenario twice:

Transaction #1 – First Day

Buy 2 Alexia Regular Waffle Fries BOGO free
2/$3.98 or $1.99 ea

Use (2) $1.00/1 any Alexia Potato product printable (first cpn will double)
Pay $.98  ($.49 ea.)  + get $1.00 catalina coupon

Transaction #2 – Second Day

Buy 2 Alexia Regular Waffle Fries BOGO free
2/$3.98 or $1.99 ea

Use (2) $1.00/1 any Alexia Potato product printable (first cpn will double)
Use $1.00 catalina from the first day
Final price: 2/FREE (just pay tax) + get another $1.00 catalina cpn!

Grand total: Bought 4 Waffles Fries and paid $.98 out of pocket & have a $1.00 catalina to spend=4/FREE

Not sure what a catalina cpn is?? Check our post: understanding catalina coupons.

Check out our Master List of unadvertised Cheap Homeland Finds HERE.


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  1. I went to two different Homelands, Sante Fe & 2nd, and Memorial and May and neither one carried the sweet potato fries. Did anyone find a store that does? Is there a way to request a product from a store?

    1. I know I have gotten them from the Britton and May store. I have not checked for them in 2 weeks though so not sure if any are there now. I have also seen them in the organic/natural frozen food area in the produce section and not just in with the regular french fries.

    2. I bought mine at the N. May & Britton store. They had tons of both the Sweet Potato and the Reg.Waffle Fries. The store at 122nd & N. May didn’t carry ANY Alexia that I could find 🙁

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