New Heinz Ketchup Coupon + Homeland Deal
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We've got a new .50/1 Heinz ketchup coupon and a Homeland/Country mart deal to go with it. Thru 12-26, the big 38-oz. bottles are $2.69 PLUS we have a 20¢ ibotta rebate!
Buy Heinz Ketchup 38-oz. $2.69
Use .50/1 any Heinz ketchup printable here
Pay $1.69 at Homeland
Submit receipt for 20¢ ibotta rebate
Final price: $1.49 – good price!
I'd suggest saving the coupon for a sale but mine printed with an expiration date of 5-31. We'd have less than one more week to see if we get a sale.
Thanks Deb G. for the coupon!!
Homeland Coupon Policy * Country Mart Policy
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