New Homeland Grocery Coupon Policy!

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Coupon Policy –  Catalinas –  Unadvertised Deals

Homeland's coupon policy has changed again!  Here's the changes in a nutshell:

  • They are back to letting you use both a manufacturer's coupon AND a store coupon on one item (stacking) – YAY!!
  • They have stated in no uncertain terms that they will not give overage!
  • One “like” coupon will be doubled per familyper day that means no more multiple  transactions or going out to the car and coming back in.

I have to say I'm really bummed about the last change but I saw it coming……the price we all have to pay for dishonest couponers:(

Basically, everything else is the same.  To view their entire coupon policy just click on the coupon policy link above.

Thanks Simple Saving Savvy!

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  1. Kinda makes couponing at Homeland an even bigger pain the butt… and not even really worth it. I don’t know what coupon dishonesty has to do with letting us only doubling one like coupon per day… what’s the big deal about going to your car and doing it again?
    Also, when they say they won’t give overage, do they mean they won’t actually GIVE you cash BACK, or do they actually mean you won’t get overage on any item even if you are still paying a grand total?

    1. Coupon fraud HAS A LOT to do with doubling coupons. Here’s an example: people are right now using the $1.00/1 Kraft 2% cheese coupon on the regular Kraft cheese slices to get them free. Now, they can only get it free because Homeland doubles the coupon. They are doing multiple transactions and getting multiple packs of cheese that Homeland is not going to be reimbursed for. Homeland is tired of losing money. Not only are they eating the $1.00 they doubled but they’re losing the money they’d be getting from the manufacturer.

      The doubling only 1 “like” coupon was originally started to stop people from clearing the shelves- regular customers were complaining about not ever being able to find products in the store due to couponers taking in 20 coupons at a time and buying up all the items. Now it’s been changed to help stop from making multiple transactions using coupons they shouldn’t use.

      Homeland is only reimbursed for the price you paid on the item, not the full value of the coupon. If you give them a $1.00 coupon for something you paid $.50 for, they only get $.50. That’s why they don’t give overage. They have stated they will not allow overage and if the coupon is more than the item they will not apply the difference to the rest of your order.

      Yes, I know the cashiers should pay more attention and the manufacturer’s should change the bar code system but when you take 40 coupons into the store and there is 10 people behind you most cashiers are not going to slowly go through all your coupons, it’s human nature and people who commit coupon fraud know this. Besides that, if people were just honest there would be no need for all of this anyway.

      As my mom say’s ” there are people who want, what they what, when they want it and those people you can’t change”
      So others (Homeland) have to make rules to see they get what they want honestly.

    1. We get asked quite often where Homeland stores are located so I just automatically thought that’s what you meant lol! Homeland occasionally has store coupons in their ads…..they also have a monthly ad flyer in their store that has coupons in it. 🙂

  2. I’m confused as to what it means they will only double one “like” coupon, or however they stated it. I feel stupid for asking,but I’m just truong to start counting, and don’t fully understand the meaning.

  3. When Homeland says only “per family per day”, then how does it work when my husband and I each have our own Homeland card with different numbers? I even think mine is the only one where I have entered in our home address…..dont think he ever did. We tend to purchase one item for us and one item for my daughter in college, using the two different cards. Maybe we should put her college address on his card because there is no Homeland where her college is….that is why we purchase items with coupons and take to her? By doing that, would it be considered a different family since different address?

    1. Hi Wena, Unfortunately it doesn’t matter if you have different cards it’s still one per household. If you have your daughter’s address on one and she does not live with you then I would think you could each legitimately do one since the products go to her. Now when she comes home between semesters and lives with you for the summer that would probably be different.

  4. So when you teach to get 5 sets of coupons every Sunday, is there any place now that we can use multiple coupons for multiple items? Is it worth it to get those extra sets?

    1. Yes it is…..any store will let you use multiple coupons for multiple items. Walmart and Crest are very good examples of stores that don’t double but have items cheap or free with coupons! Homeland is the only store that limits and that’s only on how many they will double. Now, if you try and buy 20-30 of something the store might say no but not 5 🙂 Right now you can get free toothpaste, Idahoan Potatoes, Red Gold Tomatoes and more at Crest Foods without doubling! The only coupons you have to watch are the P&G ones – P&G now has a limit on how many of the same coupon you can use in one transaction (a limit of 4 is stated on their coupons).

  5. Does anyone else have a problem with homeland not taking any coupons with a label on it even if its a manufactered coupon? What I mean is if it has “available at walmart” on the side. I have failed twice now & its so frustrating :/

  6. The Homeland here has let me do separate transactions. I don’t go hogwild like they do on tv though.

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