Werther’s Caramel Popcorn as Low as 72¢ Each at Homeland
If you still have your Werther's coupons from the September 17th inserts you can grab a great deal on the popcorn this week. The caramel popcorn is on sale Buy 2, Get 3 More Free and we can use coupons on the free items!
Werther’s Caramel Popcorn 6-oz. $4.29
Use (5) $1.00/1 SS 9-17 (exp. 11-30)
Final price: 5/$3.58 (72¢ each)
Homeland Coupon Policy * Country Mart Policy
Check out the Homeland information page for tips, deals and info for making the most out of shopping Homeland!
Don’t forget to visit Homeland’s facebook page and the Country Mart facebook page for up to date info on special events, contests, deals and more!