Pillsbury Baking Products B2G1 Free at Target (as Low as 86¢)
Thru 4-28, Target is offering select Pillsbury baking products B2G1 free. We seldom see coupons for Pillsbury so now's the time to stock-up.
Pillsbury Funfetti cake and Pillsbury cupcake mixes start at $1.29 so that means you'll pay as low as 86¢ each!
Buy 3 Pillsbury cake or cupcake mixes $1.29
Final price: 3/$2.58 (86¢ each!)
In addition to the mixes, all ready to spread frosting are included.
Buy 3 Pillsbury frosting $1.59 B2G1 Free
Final price: 3/$3.18 ($1.06 each!)
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Remember prices may differ between areas but check your local Target for these money savers. Items may not be available at all stores.
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