Sally Hansen Nail Color as Low as 48¢ at CVS, 97¢ at Walmart
We've got a $1.00 OFF off ANY Sally Hansen® nail color coupon that will score us the Xtreme Wear for under a buck at both CVS & Walmart!
Buy $12 in Sally Hansen & get $5 EB at CVS – limit 1
Buy 4 Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear Nail Colors $3.19 (online price)
Subtotal: $12.76
Use (4) $1.00 OFF off ANY Sally Hansen® nail color
Final price: pay $8.76 – get $5 EB = 4/$3.96 (.94 each!)
My CVS has the nail color priced at $2.48:
Buy 5 Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear Nail Colors
Subtotal: $12.40
Use (5) $1.00 OFF off ANY Sally Hansen® nail color
Final price: pay $7.40 – get $5 EB = 5/$2.40 (.48 each!)
You may find the Xtreme wear at Walmart for as low as $1.97:
Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Nail Color $1.97
Use $1.00 OFF off ANY Sally Hansen® nail color
Final price: .97
(Thanks to Wally World Woman for deal & pic!)
That price sticker for 2.48 is a Wal-Mart sticker FYI.