Sunbird Seasoning Mixes 50¢ at Walmart, 74¢ at Homeland & CM!
We’ve got a new Sunbird coupon that will score us cheap seasoning mixes at Homeland and Walmart.
Sunbird Seasoning Mixes $1.29 – Homeland/Country Mart
Use $0.55 off any Two Sun-Bird Seasonings – doubled
Final price: 2/$1.48 (.74 each)
I've tried the fried rice variety and really liked it ….I'll be picking up a couple of these the next time I'm at Homeland 🙂
If you're a Walmart Shopper do this:
Sunbird Seasonings .78 .96
Use $0.55 off any Two Sun-Bird Seasonings
Final price: as low as 2/$1.01 (.50 each)