Anti-Aging Basil Face Cream
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Anti-Aging Basil Face Cream

Our skin is right there at the top of the list of things we neglect. We expose it to too much sun, too much wind, we go to bed with our makeup on, we don’t drink enough water, we eat too much sugar, we get hair spray on our faces in our hurry, we stress in a major way- demanding from ourselves that which is beyond what any one person should be expected to achieve. Today we’re going to slow down, and learn one way to take care of ourselves. Pull out your food processor and join me in making this refreshing and beneficial Anti-Aging Basil Face Cream, because let’s face it. We all could use a little pampering!

Authentic Mexican Shredded Chicken Tacos Recipe
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Authentic Mexican Shredded Chicken Tacos Recipe

When life gives you leftovers- Wait, when life gives you limes? That’s not right either, but that doesn’t change the fact that I have limes on my counter and black beans in my pantry! Given that I love a good taco, well this was pretty much inevitable. So, when life gives you limes- make Slow Cooker Chicken Street Tacos – with limes and black beans!

Turkey Sausage Kale Soup

Turkey Sausage Kale Soup

Before this Turkey Sausage Kale Soup, if I wanted to eat kale, I was off to Olive Garden for their yummy soup. Kale is one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. It seems Kale really is a super food, and it’s here to stay. As much as I want to, it’s just not in me to eat something just because it’s beneficial for me, no matter how super. Now, I’m convinced I can cook it at home!

Smothered Balsamic Mushroom Grilled Chicken
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Smothered Balsamic Mushroom Grilled Chicken

Showy enough if you’re having company coming over, and still simple enough on a busy night.This Smothered Balsamic Mushroom Grilled Chicken may be exactly what you’ve been looking for! Lean golden chicken, savory mushrooms, crisp zucchini and squash, all topped with mouth watering balsamic flavor