Circle K Coupon Round-up, FREE Butterfingers & More!
If you have Circle K gas station/convenient store near you and aren't checking them for coupons you're missing out! I stopped by one on my way to church today and found these tear-pad coupons throughout the store:
- $1.00/2 Butterfinger Bars (2.1-oz. bar) or Butterfinger Snackerz(1.28-oz. bag) EXP. 2-28-11 Butterfinger bars are $.39 this week at Walgreen's. Makes them 2/FREE!!
- $.50/1 Oreo Brownie (3-0z.) or Oreo Cakester (2.65-3oz.) EXP. 8-31-10
- $1.00/1 any pkg. of Corn Nut Chips. EXP. 9-30-10
- $1.00/1 any flavor Oscar Mayer Snack Combos (great coupon for a Homeland double) EXP. 6-1-11
- $2.00/1 ACUTEfruit wyb any sandwich item. EXP. 12-31-10
- $1.00/2 20-oz., 1-liter, or 2-liter bottles of 7-UP, A&W, Canada Dry, or Sunkist Soda (diet or reg.) EXP.7-31-10 Crest has some of these on sale for $.99… would make them $$.50 ea.
All are mfr. coupons and do not have the Circle K logo or state that you have to use them at Circle K anywhere on them!
what's even better is the picture price of fuel!