Daily Oklahoma Story on my Oscars Trip
Ok everyone go Grab your Sunday paper and turn to the insert called “you!” Advice.Fashion.Humor . I am on page 3 “Edmond Blogger to attend Oscars! If you are out of state you can read the entire article here ! (There is actually more on this link than in the newspaper but does not include a pic of my dress).
If you missed my blog post about why I am going with Kodak Click Here.In the article you can see a pic of the red dress I am wearing to the EL Capitan Viewing Party that is happening afterwards. Since we will be in the bleachers from like 10am till 5:30 I thought it would be smart to wear something a little different for the bleachers and change afterwards. So I went to Quail Springs Mall and stumbled on to an awesome sale going on at Dillards. They were having a HUGE sale! 40% off the red tags. So I got this cute dress that was normally like $129 from BCBG for only $38.40, Leather Jacket normally $60 for $12, earrings (can't remember orig. cost) for $4.80 and leggings for $22. I would say that is a heck of a deal! Wish I would have had more time to spend as there was a lot of good deals. Oh yes I and I will be bringing my Spanx that I bought as well! Can't forget those!
Did I tell you guys I work for the best company in the whole wide world? They are so good to me and I have to say they pave the way for working with moms and understanding their needs. They were so excited when I told them that I was invited! They said you can't miss this opportunity! I will be forever grateful for them letting me off to go! I will have to slip some Fast Fixin' and Fast classics coupons in my purse to take with me. You never know when you might bump into Sandra Bullock or Will Smith in the bathroom. OK maybe I won't meet Will Smith in the bathroom (THAT! would cause some controversy ROFL!) But you get the point! Plus I always meet interesting people at the airport, on the plane and on my travels who have never heard about our product so I keep those coupons close by just in case! I love the fact that for every 10 UPC ‘s you mail in you get a free product coupon. Now go buy some Fast Fixin' and help me keep my job ROFL! (No Seriously!)
I’m so excited for you, Melissa! Can’t wait to hear all about your trip and fun adventures at the Oscars! Have a blast!
I’m so excited for you, Melissa! Can’t wait to hear all about your trip and fun adventures at the Oscars! Have a blast!