Mega Bloks Thomas and Friends Busy Day at the Quarry Review

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Recently I was given the opportunity to review the Mega Bloks Thomas and Friends Busy Day at the Quarry with a real-working crane from Mega Blocks. My youngest son was excited as could be. He is a HUGE Thomas and Friends fan and LOVES to build things. This seemed right up our alley.

When we got the Mega Bloks Thomas and Friends Busy Day at the Quarry with a real-working crane my son was estatic. He ran all over the house showing it to people and then he wanted me to open it up for him.

It has a bunch of pieces. I love the fact that the pieces are large enough that they are easy to find after they scatter (we all know that happens with building toy parts). Even the Thomas and Friends are made of Mega Bloks.

The Mega Bloks Thomas and Friends Busy Day at the Quarry with a real-working crane was very difficult to put together. I was getting fustrated trying to put it together (without reading the instructions) with my 3 year old. I enlisted the help of my 13 year old son who loves anything to do with engineering.

We finally got the Mega Bloks Thomas and Friends Busy Day at the Quarry with a real-working crane completed and we played with it some. Overall I have mixed feelings about this toy. It is definately not a toy that a 3 year old could put together on his own (it is rates 3 years +). It took my 13 year old 45 minutes to put it together. After we got it together any slight bump would make the toy fall apart and you had to rebuild it. I really wish the bloks fit more snugly together. I understand that they do not fit tightly together so that toddlers can take them apart without help; however in this application the bloks really need to be able to fit together more securely.

If you are looking for a toy to entertain your toddler while you cook dinner or do some quick chores around the house this is not the toy for you. If you are looking for a toy that will require hands on participation from you and constantly rebuilding it then this is the toy for you. My 3 year old son LOVES this toy and he will carry it around the house and beg people to play with him. It has actually gotten to the point where I hide this toy and only bring it out when we can actively play with the toy with him. (He always chose to want to play with it while I was cooking or doing dishes or he insisted his brother play with him instead of doing homework).

This is a wonderful idea and it the bloks stuck together better I would be buying every set they had of this.

While I was not overly enthusiastic about this item we really love the Mega Bloks brand in my house. Being the mother of 3 boys I know they love to build. Mega Bloks now has a Mega Bloks Family Club When you sign up for the Mega Bloks Family Club you will receive information about new products and even a $5 Coupon off your next Mega Bloks purchase.

Disclosure: I was provided with a Mega Bloks Thomas and Friends Mega Bloks Thomas and Friends Busy Day at the Quarry as a Princess Perk and in exchange for this review. All thoughts and opinions are my own (and those of my children).

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One Comment

  1. My son(age 4) received this as a Christmas gift, and it took my husband and father-in-law at least 20 min. to put together. AND I feel the same way about it falling apart! I also feel the same way about it not being an independent play toy! My four year old loves building things as well, but also gets really frustrated when the ramp falls apart while trying to attach other pieces. It’s up on a shelf in his closet, and is played with when either my husband or I have time to help him!

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