Meet Armine My World Vision Sponsored Child

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Armine World Vision

I have been sitting on this post for about 5 months now and I wanted to write it sooner but I wanted to wait till I was further into the program before I talked about my decision.

Meet Armine My World Vision Sponsored Child. Isn't she precious? Armine lives with her parents, 1 sister, and 1 brother. Her parents struggle to provide for the family.

Armine is growing up in a poor community in Armenia. Due to the 1988 earthquake that destroyed the city of Gyumri, housing is still very impaired and decaying. Apartments have bad sanitation and no heat when it is needed. The usual diet consists of potatoes, bread, noodles, beans, oil and greens. Meat and fruit are scarce. It is generally mild in the summer, but winters can be harsh.Armine is in primary school and she enjoys drawing. She helps at home by working with mother doing household tasks. She likes to play with dolls. She is in satisfactory health. I have heard that the winters get really bad there any many people use those big shipping crates for homes.

When I first started my site in 1996 as a message board it was  a ministry for people in my area to help them with learning to be frugal and help families put food on their table. I transitioned into my blog in 2008 and shortly after that I had to return to the corporate world because my husband was diagnosed with Anklyosing Spondylitis and could no longer work. Almost 2 years ago I stepped out in faith to leave the corporate world after much prayer to take on my blog as my full time job and my family's only income. I truly feel like God has really blessed our family and I have loved the freedom of being able to travel more. As part of one of my recent travels I attended a blogger event with my good friend Amy Bellgardt who shared with me about her work with WorldVision and the child she sponsored. During the conversation another blogger at the event spoke up and said I sponsor like 4 kids and it's amazing what they can do with the money we send. This blogger talked about how her extra $100 rebuilt a road for the entire community, bought a bike and books for her sponsored child and more. I was floored!!!!!!!!
I'll be honest, I've seen the commercials and flipped the channel because honestly in todays world you just don't know if the money really goes to these children and I really don't know much about World Vision. Also, because I am our family's only income, I was worried if my small little donation would be worth the sacrifices we would be making as a family and make that big of a difference over there. I am a Christian and I have been a member of Edmond Road Baptist Church for over 30 years and we already give to missions, pay our tithes faithfully etc.
Armine World Vision
When we got home from the trip, I sat my husband down and talked to him about it and at first he had lots of questions about where the money goes and he knows Amy and said to me well, if Amy's is working with them I know they have to be legit. So I registered on the site, and knew I wanted a little girl and found Armine. I couldn't believe that meat was scarce and that she was not yet in school. I cried when I read her story.  I have two teenagers and I don't really think they understand how good they have it here in America. This is another reason why I decided to do this. I signed up before I even had a chance to talk with them about it.  I just received my packet in the mail and I wasn't sure how to start my post since I haven't really written a letter or mailed anything to my little girl yet . But I did receive a lovely letter from her. I do plan on doing something special for her for the Christmas. I am still learning about her and what I can and can't send so i will keep you updates on how she is doing.
I think the biggest thing for me in writing about this is to get YOU (my readers) to understand what World Vision is, what their mission is and that they are really helping kids and what their money goes towards and how the skeptical person like me is experiencing it.
I have no affiliation with World Vision and this isn't a sponsored post.

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