Buy Ace 20-lb. Bird Seed & Get Kaytee Songbird Seed Free + More!
Ace hardware has some nice deals on birdseed and feeders thru Monday the 4th. If you're in need of items for your feathered friends, check the following.
Buy Ace 20-lb. bag of bird seed $9.99
*Get 7-lb. bag of Kaytee songbird seed free ($12.99 value!)
Buy Squirrel-Proof bird feeder $19.99
* Get 8-lb. bag of Kaytee Birder's Blend bird seed ($12.99)
You need to be a member of ACE Rewards BUT it's easy to join and when you fill out the form in-store you immediately get any savings they have to offer!
You can join online but it may take several days to get you in the system and you may miss out on the bird seed.