Turn Old Bottles into Cute Caddies! #Brightfuture
My daughters are so excited for our latest DIY. They love doing crafts together and I love doing DIY where we recycle and reuse items from around the house. I want to teach my children how to make the world a better place, even if it's little steps at a time.
Unilever Project Sunlight is a great place to get inspired and find a couple Summer Sunlight Activities for some summer fun! You can check out my previous post on Project Sunshine here. It's a great project that has been inspiring children and families all over the world!
Our family chose to upcycle empty shampoo bottles. We remade them into useful caddies….and we had so much fun doing it! I did the steps that required sharp objects and then I let their imagination go wild with decorating. I love watching them create. The best part is that now they are looking for other ways to use “trash” around the house. We are saving jars and bottles for future use.
Supplies Needed:
-Empty and clean bottles. Ones that are flat on one side will work better because they can be closer to the wall.
-Scissors or exacto knife
-Sand paper
-Stickers, markers, decals, paint
Cut the top of the bottle off.
Draw a cutting line along the bottle. The back will be the hook and the front will be the pouch to hold items.
Sand down all edges so they are smooth.
Paint or cover with fabric.
Get creative! Use stickers, markers, paint, glitter, nail polish etc to decorate your new caddie!
Here are the finished caddies. We will definitely be making them again!
“While this post is part of a sponsored campaign by Unilever Project Sunlight,
all opinions and experiences expressed are entirely my own.”
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