Quick! $1.00/2 Nabisco Cookies OR Crackers Coupon ($.50 Cheese Nips at Homeland & Crest)
Very seldom do we see a Nabisco coupon good for either cookies or crackers and this one won't last long so get it while you can!
$1.00/2 any Nabisco Cookies or Crackers – (excludes single serve)
Homeland has the Cheese Nips 11-12.5 oz for $1.50 (thru 5/22)
Use $1.00/2 any Nabisco Cookies or Crackers (doubled)
Final price: 2/$1.00 ($.50)
Crest Foods has the smaller boxes for $.99 (basket item)
Use $1.00/2 any Nabisco Cookies or Crackers
Final price: 2/$.98 ($.49 ea.)
NOTE: There's a huge ad after the coupon that will really waste your ink so you might want to print other cpns as well or hit cancel right after your cpn prints 🙂