Pathmark Live Better Wellness Club
Did you know that Pathmark has a Live Better Wellness Club?
It costs $9.99 to join (for a year); however, you immediately receive a sign up bonus coupon good for $9.99 off your next $25 grocery order so you will get that money back right away.
Here are some of the perks to joining:
- 450 generic prescriptions at $9.99 for up to a 90-day supply
- For every $50 you spend in produce you get 20% off your next produce purchase
- 25% off on all Live Better healthcare Products
- 25% off all Market Spa and America's Choice beauty care products
- 15% off select Green Way organic products
- $3.99 for 30 day generic prescription (300 to choose from) or $9.99 for 90 day supply
- 10% off pet prescriptions
- FREE prenatal or children's generic prescription vitamins
- 10% off Medical ID Bracelets or Reality Walking Canes
- and more……….