Amazon Prime Members – FREE August eBook (Choose From 6)
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Prime members!
Each month you'll get one FREE Kindle eBook and this month you'll have six to choose from! The books are valued at $4.99 and are available in advance of their official release date!
Remember, you don't have to have a Kindle in order to read these books. Just download the Kindle app to your computer, phone or tablet!
Choose from one of the following eBooks – You can find them all by clicking here
- I Will Never Leave You (psychological thriller)
- The Storytellers Secret
- Hotel (historical fiction)
- Eraser (children's picture book)
- Happy Doomsday (post-apocalyptic fiction)
- Stray – A Memoir of a Runaway (memoir)
Check back in September and choose your next freebie!
Amazon prices are subject to change at any time. We cannot guarantee that this price will be the same price when you attempt to order this item. It is highly recommended that you confirm the price in your cart BEFORE you submit your order.
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