Firefly Glow In The Dark Duct Tape Just $2.50 + Craft Ideas!

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firefly_glow_duct_tape_1How cool is this – glow in the dark duct tape!  I'm loving all this fun stuff lately like the Chalkboard contact paper and now glow in the dark duct tape!

I can't wait to make stars and put them on the ceiling of my Sunday school class and then turn the light off. The kids are gonna love it.

Glow-in-the-dark-Duct-Tape-LightsabrePhoto Op: Rust&

Right now you can get a 3 roll pack of the duct tape for $4.99 + $2.99 shipping which makes it about $2.50 per roll.  Here's some facts about the duct tape you might be interested in:

Photo luminescent pigments absorb and store energy from normal, ambient light
Tape will glow in total darkness after exposure to artificial or natural light
Product has excellent resistance to UV light and does not show significant degradation when used outdoors
Also used for labels, decals, novelties, sporting goods, trims, special effects and hobbies
Each roll measures 10 yards

glow-in-the-dark_thumb - CopyPhoto Op: Thanks

What ideas can you come up with? We'd love to hear how you'd use it!

CLICK this link to order yours.

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