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I will Praise You in This Storm

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It's been a crazy month and lately I have been just emotionally spent with everything going on. Sunday I hurt my back somehow and was down on Monday and worked from my bed. Even though I wasn't feeling well I didn't want to miss my Monday night ladies Bible study. My friend Gina came and picked me up since I wasn't sure if I could drive and I am so glad I went. Today for some odd reason I woke up refreshed and renewed. I thought today is a good day and God has blessed me with so many things and so many friends.  Daniel's mom blessed us with a new bed for Taylor which came in today. Since diagnosed with her disease she has been sleeping on the couch because she could not sleep in her bed. So this past weekend we took her to try out beds and she picked out the Comfortpedic from Bob Mills with adjustable base. I am hoping she will get a much better night's sleep. It's a tight squeeze in her room so we may do some rearranging tonight when she gets home. We took her to Target this week to pick out new bedding and I worked on it today and got it ready to surprise her when she gets home! Sorry the pictures are not that great, I wasn't planning on taking pics and writing a post so I took these with my iPhone.

Cheryls Cookies

Today I also received a surprise package in the mail. It was a box of cookies from Cheryl's. I had no idea who it was from so I posted a pic on Facebook and said thank you to whomever sent this package. It was from my long distance friend Jill Cataldo (apparently they forgot to put the card in lol) What a blessing! I also forgot to mention that I also received a sweet card from one of the ladies at Church Amanda Allen that was encouraging.

Also encouraging is, I was able to bless a few people this week. I was able to give Taylors other bed to a family that needed it. I was also able to give someone an older patio set that we were not using. It feels good to be able to bless others so I encourage you, if you can to do something for someone today. Pay it forward, even if it's just a card, a phone call, a prayer.

So what is this post all about? Well as I was thinking about the blessings, I was working and clicked on one of the Social Fabric members blogs , Our Hope is in the Lord. Immediately music started playing and usually I am the type to think that is annoying but boy was I wrong. Apparently God needed to remind me of something, I heard I will Praise you in the Storm playing in the background. A light went off, I need to stop focusing on all the bad stuff and start focusing on the blessings that God has given me. Sometimes it's hard to see the good stuff when you are struggling. Now I am not saying I still won't have moments of weakness but for today I am going to Praise him in this storm!

Casting Crowns – Praise You In This Storm (Live) from casting-crowns on GodTube.

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