Six Flags Read To Succeed Program Registration OPEN!

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Read To Suceede

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If you have a student in elementary school, check out the Six Flags Read to Succeed Program!  This great program offers one free ticket to Six Flags PER STUDENT for reading during the school year. Homeschoolers are also able to participate.  Registration is now open for the 2016-2017 school year. Head over here to get your account started.  Final date to register and log students is March 1, 2017!

If your child is in a public school, be sure to request the program with the teacher or your contact person, since the form must be filled out and managed by the teacher.  (One of our local schools did participate last year.) ~ Princess Rebekah

We did this program last year and the kids were so excited to work towards a Six Flags ticket.  Be sure to read the fine print, since they have changed some requirements since last year.  The Homeschool parent may not get a free ticket unless you have 8 or more registered children.  Tickets are one day only and valid for dates during the following summer.  You must choose a specific park to utilize your ticket.  Not valid at water parks.

Since we just started the spring semester, now is a great time to get your account started and reading logs filled out!

If you can't use this freebie, be sure to pass on to anyone interested! Click here for link!

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      1. I was also wondering when tickets would be emailed to teachers and am not sure how to contact the program. Normally we receive tickets in April.

        1. Look for an email with a link to print off your tickets. You should have already received the email. You can just click on the link and print your certificates with the ticket attached to the bottom. Make sure to look at the dates the tickets are valid. Also, note that you can’t use them on Saturdays!

    1. Hi,
      The Succeed to Read program will launch in late October – you’ll be able to register then. We’ll be posting when we get a firm date from Six Flags 🙂

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