Buy For Less Matchups 5/7 – 5/13
Here's your Buy For Less matchups this week!
See the complete ad here
The Best Deals:
⭐Coke products 1.25 liter 99¢
Use .50/1 coupon in app (one time use on one item)
Final price: 49¢!
Hiland shredded cheese 8-oz. $1.68
Sara Lee Honey Wheat bread 20-oz. $1.98
Honey Nut Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Reeses Puffs or Cookie Crisp cereals 10.8 – 12 oz. $2.48
Use $1.00/2 General Mills Cereals SS 3-31 (Exp. 5-11)
OR $1.00/2 Cheerios SS 3-31 (Exp. 5-11)
Final price: 2/$3.96 ($1.98 each)
⭐Frito Lay Doritos 9.75 oz. $2.00!
Tombstone pizza 18-29 oz. $3.33
Other Deals:
Ramen noodles 25¢
Louisiana Seasoned Fish Fry 10-oz. 99¢
Best Choice hamburger dill slices 32 oz. 99¢
- red, yellow and orange bell peppers 88¢ each
- Dole Classic Romaine or Greener Select salads $1.50
- large seedless red grapes $1.97/lb.
- blueberries $1.98/pint
- okra $3.97/lb.
- seedless watermelons $3.98 each
- all natural boneless, skinless chicken breasts $1.69/lb.
- all natural pork tenderloin , 2 piece cry-0-vac $2.49/lb. – great price!
- Hormel Black Label bacon 12-16 oz. $3.88
That's it for the Buy For Less matchups this week – be sure and click on the link at the top to see the complete ad.
Unlimited Soup, Salad & Breadsticks at Olive Garden for $6.99!
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Where are your locations in Denver?
Hi Laurie,
Buy For Less stores are only located in Oklahoma City 🙂