M&Ms Chocolate Candies ONLY 75¢ This Week at CVS!
New to CVS? Here's some helpful links to get you started:
CVS M&Ms Deal!
This week CVS has M&Ms chocolate candy bags 2/$5.00. We have a new insert coupon that when stacked with the CVS coupon will make them just 75¢ a bag!
Buy 2 Easter M&M’s 8-12.6 oz. 2/$5.00 (or $3.19 each)
**make sure you purchase 9.4 or larger
Use $1.50/2 M&Ms 9.4 oz. or larger RP 4-2 (exp. 5-20)
AND use $1.00/2 Easter Candy CVS printable here (scroll down to coupon)
Final price: $2.50 + earn $1 EB
*it's like paying $1.50 (75¢ each!)
Happy Shopping!