Homeland: Complete List of Stores Doubling Multiples of Same Coupon!

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Homeland_double_couponHomeland Information Page

We've had sooooo many questions about which Homeland stores are doubling more than one identical coupon per transaction that I've made a list of which Homeland is doing what:

There is no end date set for these promotions

Stores that are doubling 3 identical coupons per transaction – for example, if you have (3) $1.00/1 pack of Trident Gum and you buy 3 packs, all three coupons will double:

Chickasha Store #127 – 759 W. Grand Ave
Haysville, KS Store #646 – 201 N. Main Street
Cleveland Store #752 – 501 N. Broadway
Ardmore Store #169 – 205 N. Commerce
OKC Store #273 – 10700 S. Penn
Norman Store #101 – 1100 W. Main
Norman Store #200 – 1724 W. Lindsey Rd
Norman Store #219 – 2600 W. Robinson
Norman Store #255 – 1251 Alameda St.
Edmond Store #208 – 2205 W. Edmond Rd
Edmond Store #238 – 1151 N. Bryant Ave
Edmond Store #886 – 24 E. 33rd

Happy Shopping!

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  1. I work at the store on Cornwell in Yukon and so far we have not been told that we will. People keep asking if we are and nothing has been said.

  2. I heard the store in Edmond stopped doubling 3 like coupons without any notice….just a sign by the register stating they will no longer double 3. Any truth to this??

      1. Yes! If they are a Homeland (not United) the they should double coupons up to and including .50. They will only double one identical coupon per family, per day. For example if you have two .50 off 1 Tide coupons and buy 2 Tide, the first .50 coupon will double taking off $1 but the second coupon will only take off .50. 🙂

  3. Homeland is my favorite store but I am so frustrated with them I can’t see straight! My store is the Yukon Cornwell store. It makes absolutely no business sense to me to have most stores go back to 1 coupon that doubles and some stores go to 3! I have sent complaints on email and facebook and all I get is “we will let management know your concern”. So frustrating!

    1. I understand your frustration….my Homeland only doubles 1 “like” coupon too. You never know what prompts them to change something…..there may be some issues that we don’t know about that caused them to quit doing it. Hopefully they will start again.

    1. It’s up to Homeland corporate as to which stores double more than one identical coupon. I don’t know how they pick which stores. You might post on their facebook page that you’d like to see them include Pryor 🙂

  4. Does this mean 3 like coupons total? Or 3 like coupons per like item? For example if i have 3 like coupons to use on body wash, can I also use 3 like coupons on cereal and 3 like coupons on toothpaste? Or would I only be able to use the three like coupons on one of those sets of items.

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