New Sunday Insert Matchups for Homeland & Country Mart Thru 6/1
New Sunday insert matchups …
There were several good coupons for Homeland and Country Mart in last Sunday's paper so I thought I'd bring back this post for those and the PG insert coming tomorrow. – if the coupons are good the following week I'll do it again 🙂
Keep in mind one identical coupon up to and including 50 will be doubled per family, per day.
Here's your matchups:
Sugardale hot dogs 12-oz. 99¢ thru 5-28
Use .50/1 SS 5-19 exp. 8-30
Final price FREE
Puffs white facial tissues 96-ct. 1.39
Use .50/1 PG 5-26 exp. 6-8
Final price 39¢
Colgate toothpaste 6-oz. select toothpaste 1.49 thru 12/30
Use .50/1 any Colgate 3-oz. or larger SS 5-19
Final price 2/1.25 or 62¢ each
Nabisco Go Paks 2.5 – 4 oz. $1.00
Use .75/2 any Nabisco 3.5 oz. SS 5-19 exp. 6-29
Final price 2/1.25 or 62¢ each
Red Gold canned tomatoes 89¢ (long term sale was $1.99)
Use .60/3 SS 5-19 exp. 6-30
Final price 3/2.07 or 69¢ each
Pringles Wavy potato crisps $1.69 (long term sale was $1.99)
Use .35/1 RMN 5-19 exp. 6-30
Homeland Coupon Policy * Country Mart Policy
Check out the Homeland information page for tips, deals and info for making the most out of shopping Homeland!
Don’t forget to visit Homeland’s facebook page and the Country Mart facebook page for up to date info on special events, contests, deals and more!