7Up & Other 2L 49¢ at Walgreens
This week at Walgreens, 7Up, A&W, Sunkist, Hawaiian Punch and Canada Dry are on sale for $1 each for the 2 liter bottles. We also have a special deal going on right now when you spend $10 on these colas and Chex Mix (you have to buy at least one of the colas and at least one bag of Chex Mix). You can submit your receipt here and get a FREE movie ticket credit from Fandango worth $5.00 or Visa Virtual Reward for $5.00. Redeem this offer this week while the 2L sodas are on sale and you'll get the most for your money. 🙂
Buy 2 Chex Mix Bold, Traditional or Cheddar 8.75 oz 2/$3.00 (price may vary by store)
Subtotal: $10.00
Use 50¢/2 Chex Mix printable here
Final price: pay $9.50 at Wags + get 100 ED pts.
Submit receipt for $5.00 Virtual Visa Digital Rewards or $5.00 Fandango Movie Ticket or Visa Virtual Reward wyb $10.00 A&W, Canada Dry, 7Up or Sunkist here
*That’s like paying $4.40 for 7 2L bottles and 2 bags Chex Mix (49¢ each)
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