Consumer Queen’s First Interactive Coupon Class At Walmart A Hit!!
WOW!! We just got back from teaching our first interactive coupon class at Walmart and what a time we had! We made some new friends and hopefully helped a lot of new ( and not so new) couponers learn ways to help them obtain, organize, store and legally use their coupons.
After class, we took several new couponers around Walmart on a “shopping trip” pointing out deals, showing examples of peelies and tag coupons, and explaining first hand how they can save by actually showing them products on the shelves. Melissa & I both shopped with coupons and then took our group to the checkout so they could see first hand how much we saved. My total before coupons was $68.11 before coupons and $30.35 including tax after. I saved about 55% !! That's pretty good considering there was no “doubling” of coupons. Melissa's shopping trip was $85.00 before coupons and $28.68 including tax after! I did have to take a little flack from her group on how she saved more than me LOL! It's all good though….we had a lot of fun!
A special thanks to Kathryn, our Walmart manager who, without all her hard work and generosity, the coupon class would not have taken place. She supplied us with great “coupon user gifts” and Walmart gift cards to give away. Each participant received a class shopping list with matching coupons for products on the list – $29.43 in groceries for $8.18 + tax ( 10 lucky participants went home with totally FREE groceries after gift cards)!
Another special thank you to all the venders who supplied coupons for our goodie bags:
I Can't Believe It's Not Butter
Fast Fixin
Eggland's Best
Chef's Request (free Filet Mignon- yum!)
Smartsource for providing everyone with coupon inserts
Redplum for providing snazzy little notebooks for everyone
Redplum for providing the cutest totes to give away.
For it to be our first interactive class it went rather smoothly, we've already figured out ways to make the next class even better. If you missed this one, the next will be in December. The date will be announced in October and as always, it will be FREE.
On that note, we had about 35 participants today but about 15 who signed up but did not make it. Thanks to those who let us know ahead of time or sent word with other people who came that they would unable to attend. We had so many people asking to come but we had to turn them away because we had reached our limit. Please, if you sign up for a class let us know if you're not coming so that we can let those that don't want to miss out, attend in your place.
Attendees, we welcome your thoughts on the class….what did we do right and what can we do to make the next one better? Reply and let us know!
Again, it was a joy to see old friends and make some new ones today! Now get out there and save some money (get that stockpile going)! Remember your coupon etiquette LOL!
Checking out with one of our groups.
So cool! Congratulations, what a fabulous idea and it looks like fun too!
Thanks Daria
It was a great class! Thanks so much, and thanks for the coupons and door prizes. Lots of fun!
WOOT! Tha is awesome Melissa! 🙂
I had such a great time. Thanks so much for doing this! And thanks to Walmart too!! Melissa or Patsy, can you post info or the address of where we can send our expired coupons for military members and families?
Melissa and I actually have family that just moved there from OKC……..where in La. do you live? Maybe it’s close enough to plan a class when we visit.
I just cant tell you how much I enjoyed the class…as a matter of fact I am trying to put one together for my womens group at church..It amazes me that everyone thinks it is too time consuming and difficult…I looooove saving money lol..thank you consumerqueen and mum and to walmart for all your time and effort it is very much appreciated
Great way to pay it forward…..teaching others what you’ve learned! Let us know if we can be of help!