FREE Udder Covers – Just Pay Shipping!
Having been a Labor & Delivery Nurse for 25 years and certified in breastfeeding, I'm all about promoting it when ever I can!
Udder Covers is celebrating World Breast Feeding Week by offering their really cute Udder Covers for FREE! Use code: DMBREASTFEED at checkout.
The Covers are normally $34. 95 but you can score one for just the shipping & handling which is $11.95. This would make really good baby shower gift promoting a healthy way to feed an infant without breaking the bank!
You can also get a FREE Carseat Canopy (reg. $49.95) for $12.95 shipped from Carseat Canopy by using code: UCOVER
Thanks Michelle D.!
Thanks Michelle D.! ~ Queen Mum
What an AWFUL name for this product….
Is there a code for checkout?
I can’t find the code and would love to get this offer, I am due in 2 weeks! I tried adding one to the check out cart, but it says it’s regular price.’s DMBREASTFEED ~ Queen Mum
Yay! It works, I got the Maria one. Thank you SO much! I am one happy pregnant lady.
Hey Melissa, it still beats some of the other names they could have used LOL! ~ Queen Mum
yeah I know…. but think of a big fat cow when you think of an udder…. 🙂 Women are beautiful and breastfeeding is a beautiful and wonderful thing any woman can do for their child. I know it is meant to make light of the situation 🙂
In case you’re interested…I saw a similar one on BabysRus for around $36.99 so this is a great deal I think. There are cheaper ones on BabysRus BUT they don’t have the same features like the rigid top so you can view your baby nursing. ! Queen Mum
I guess it’s all those years as an L&D nurse …. as soon as I read the name I automatically thought of breasts LOL!! I agree 100% with Melissa…the absolute 2 best things you can do for your baby is to breastfeed and keep them totally away from cigarette smoke! ~Queen Mum RN
I’m an RN and used to work laor and deliver as well! I do hospice now, I sure do miss the babies.
I’m an RN and used to work laor and deliver as well! I do hospice now, I sure do miss the babies.