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General Mills Cereals as Low as 68¢ After Rewards at Walgreens (Starts 7/22)

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general mills cereal

General Mills Cereal on the Cheap!

Starting July 22nd, General Mills cereals will be on sale 2/$4.00 (or $2.49 each). There is also a national Catalina deal running on these thru August 5th. You'll get $2 RR when you buy 3, $3 RR wyb 4 and $4 RR wyb 5!

The ad for next week pictures Honey Nut Cheerios and Cinnamon Toast Crunch but most likely other varieties will be included.

Remember, after you purchase the number items you need to get the cheaper price, any more you buy will be at the same price. For example, the cereal is 2/$4.00 ($2 per box) or $2.49 each. Once you buy 2, any other boxes you purchase in the same transaction will also be $2.00.

Walgreens Deal Thru 7/28:

Buy 4 General Mills participating cereals 2/$4.00
Buy 1  Honey Nut Cheerios $2.00
Subtotal: $10.00
Use (2) $1.00/2 GM cereals printable here
AND use .50/1 Honey Nut Cheerios printable here 
Final price: $7.50 + earn $4 RR = 100 Everyday points (10¢)
*it's like paying $3.40 (68¢ each!)

Buy 4 General Mills participating cereals 2/$4.00
Subtotal: $8.00
Use (2) $1.00/2 GM cereals printable here
Final price: $6.00 + earn $3 EB + 80 Everyday points (8¢)
*it's like paying $2.92 (73¢ each!)

Since this is a national Catalina deal you won't see it in the ad. It's a deal made between General Mills and Catalina to print at all participating grocery stores across the country. If your Walgreens normally participates, the RR should print for you.

Other coupons you might need:

Thanks Wild for Wags!

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