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Walgreens Super Deal on Bounty, Tide & Charmin – $30 for as Low as FREE

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Walgreens Super Deal!

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Walgreens Super Deal – as Low as FREE!

This week (through September 7th), Walgreens is offering $6 in Register Rewards when you purchase 3 select P&G items priced at $4.99. Even better, if you buy six you earn a $10 Walgreens gift card in addition to the RR – what a deal!

To get the $10 gift card you'll need to do 2 transactions for maximum savings. If you buy all six in one pop you'll just earn one $6 reward. Buy each group of 3 separately and you'll get 2 😉

Remember, if you've earned RR for buying P&G products you don't want to use them to pay for other P&G items. If you do, you won't earn any RR associated with the deal. 

Walgreens Deals Thru 9-7:

Transaction #1:

Buy 2 Bounty Essentials paper towels 6 giant rolls (= 8 reg. rolls) $4.99
Buy 1 Charmin Essentials 4 Mega rolls $4.99
Subtotal: $14.97
Use (2) $1.00/1 Bounty P&G 8-25 (exp. 9-7) – limit 2 per day
OR digital coupon here
AND use $1.00/1 Charmin Mega Rolls P&G 8-25 (exp. 9-7) – limit 2 per day
OR digital coupon here
Final price: $11.97 + earn $6 RR
*it's like paying $5.97 ($1.99 each)

You can stop here – $1.99 is an awesome price! If you want to go for the $10 gift card you'll need to wait until the next day and then do this:

Transaction #2:

Buy 2 Charmin Essentials 4 Mega rolls $4.99
Buy 1 Bounty Essentials paper towels 6 giant rolls (= 8 reg. rolls) $4.99
Subtotal: $14.97
Use $1.00/1 Bounty P&G 8-25 (exp. 9-7) – limit 2 per day
OR digital coupon here
AND use (2) $1.00/1 Charmin Mega Rolls P&G 8-25 (exp. 9-7) – limit 2 per day
OR digital coupon here
Final price: $11.97 + earn $6 RR
*it's like paying $5.97 ($1.99 each)
Submit for the $10 Walgreens gift card here

You'll pay $23.97 out of pocket but receive $12 RR and $10 gift card. That's like paying $1.97 for everything – YOWZA!

If you prefer Tide, there are some coupons you can use for this alternate transaction #2 and get everything for FREE after rewards. 

Buy Charmin Essentials 4 Mega rolls $4.99
Buy Tide Pods 12-16 ct. $4.99
Buy Tide liquid 30 or 40 oz. $4.99
Subtotal: $14.97
1.00/1 Charmin Mega Rolls P&G 8-25 (exp. 9-7) OR digital coupon here
$2.00/1 Tide P&G 8-25 (exp. 9-7) – limit 1 OR digital coupon here
$2.00/1 Tide Pods P&G 8-25 (exp. 9-7) – limit 1 OR digital coupon here
Final price: $9.97 + earn $6 RR
*it's like paying $3.97 ($1.32 each)
Submit for the $10 Walgreens gift card here
*it's like getting them all for FREE (pay $21.94 out of pocket but get back $12 RR + $10 gift card!)

Walgreens Tip – Always remember, coupons that have a value over the price of the item you're purchasing will not be accepted.

Don't forget to click on Saving Money at the top of our blog to check out some of our other Walgreens deals.

Happy Shopping!

Have you signed up for Everyday Points? If not, you're missing out! Click HERE and sign up to get 10 points for every $1.00 you spend!

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