
Plum Butter

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Plum Butter

Plums are in season right now. So be  on the look out at your market for some fresh juicy plums! Here's a great way to use them. Plum Butter! (Warning…don't be fooled, it doesn't actually contain butter…bummer huh?!) This is great for people like me who love the idea of making jams and jellies but have no idea how to! Plum Butter is a lot like jelly but super easy to make….and delicious to eat!


Plum Butter


  • 14-16 plums
  • Water to cover
  • 2-3 Tablespoons of agave/other sweetener


  1. Wash plums.Pull off stems. Cut into smaller pieces and remove the pits.
  2. Put plums in a big pan with water to cover. Cover with a lid and boil for 30 minutes. Uncover, and simmer....then simmer alittle more. After a few hours, you’ll have mush.
  3. When you’re getting a pretty thick like applesauce texture, add in the sweetener and stir regularly. It will become thicker and darker in color. You know it's done when it starts caramelizing at the bottom.
  4. Now it's ready to eat. Store it in an airtight container.

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