Back to School Tips to Save you Money
Back to School is almost here and I thought this would be a great time to start posting some tips that will save you money. It's always good to start planning a head. I hate waiting till the last minute to find out all the things I need are out of stock or not on sale. Keep an eye on the blog as we will start posting back to school deals on clothing and school supplies. I've posted a few tips below to give you a good start.
- Lots of stores will be having great sales during Back to School. Instead of wasting gas driving from store to store take all your ads to Walmart and Price match.
- Start looking for office supply coupons now! You can usually find coupons for ink pens, and scotch tape frequently.
- Don't forget to look for rebates and utilize them on top of your sales and coupons.
- Start signing up for your favorite clothing stores newsletters now. Many will be sending coupons for you to use in-store or online. Kohl's and Old Navy are great ones to sign up for.You can even shop Ebay for great deal on clothes.We also post up to date lists on Back to School shopping and deals.You can also use Cash back programs like Ebates.
- Need to get your kids a Back to School haircut? Check to see if you have a Super Cuts Training studio in your area where you can sign up to get a free hair cut.
- Use coupons and shop now to stock up on items for kids lunches and stock up when you get a really good deal.Things like chips can easily be frozen for later use.
- If you don't coupon make meals from scratch. You can even make a head of time and freeze and then thaw the night before.
- Make a list and stick to it
- Shop Off Season – Wait for school supplies to go 50% off and then stock up for the next year.
- Re-use items you might already have lying around the house.
Do you have a Back to School tip to share? Post it here on the blog.
Great ideas and tips. I need to start thinking of supplies for my daughter. She starts Jr. High in the fall. Thanks!
Ask you child’s teacher if they really need everything on the supply list! I am a school teacher and my grade level request 4 packages of crayons, however I only need my students to bring 2. I actually sent home the extra 2 at the end of the year hoping the students would be able to use them next year! Don’t open up the supplies or write your child’s name on them until you double check with their teacher!