Great Use for Old Crayons & Glue Sticks – Push Pop Crayons

Do you have a lot of old broken crayons and glue sticks laying around? I found this great idea on Pintrest from Infarrantly Creative and I like to call them “Push Pop Crayons”. Why because they remind of the old push pop containers. These are great for toddlers and easy to use.
- Take your old empty glue sticks or scrape all the old glue out of the old containers and twist them all the way down.
- Melt broken crayons in the microwave in a microwave safe container that you don't mind getting nasty. Infarrantly Creative used Dixie Cups.
- Pour part of the melted crayons into your empty glue sticks almost to the top.
- Once it hardens there will be a little hole in the middle so you will want to pour the remaining wax in. (You may have to reheat)
Awesome thanks for sharing I am so going to do this!
Your welcome!
This a GREAT idea
I love it – great for my Sunday School class! ~ Queen mum
I was thinking about it for my Girl Scouts
I think I’m gonna try mixing in glitter ~ Queen Mum