Great Use for Old Crayons & Glue Sticks – Push Pop Crayons

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Photo Credit: Infarrantly Creative

Do you have a lot of old broken crayons and glue sticks laying around? I found this great idea on Pintrest from Infarrantly Creative and I like to call them “Push Pop Crayons”. Why because they remind of the old push pop containers. These are great for toddlers and easy to use.

  1. Take your old empty glue sticks or scrape all the old glue out of the old containers and twist them all the way down.
  2. Melt broken crayons in the microwave in a microwave safe container that you don't mind getting nasty. Infarrantly Creative used Dixie Cups.
  3. Pour part of the melted crayons into your empty glue sticks almost to the top.
  4. Once it hardens there will be a little hole in the middle so you will want to pour the remaining wax in. (You may have to reheat)
If your kids want to have some fun you could try mixing different colors to make rainbow colors. You might even get creative and try mixing glitter or something. If you do, let me know if it works!
For more picture tutorials visit  Infarrantly Creative.

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