TOP 10 Tips For Saving You Money in the Garden!

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top 10 tips for gardening
Top 10 Tips for Frugal Gardening!

Don't these strawberries look yummy!  The above picture is from Melissa's strawberry patch a few years ago and believe me they were good. They just started planting them again this year and I can't wait!

I love gardening and this is my favorite time of year to do it.  I usually spend lots of time outdoors planting and working in the flower gardens even though I live in an apartment. What I don't like is having to spend lots of money doing it.  I couldn't believe the price of Miracle Grow potting soil these days. The price of flowers seems to have skyrocketed too!

flowering plants aldi
Money Saving Tips for Gardening
  • When I buy flowers I save the plastic containers they come in (the round plastic ones are the best).  I turn one upside down and place it in the bottom of one of my large flower pots. This provides drainage for the plants and takes up space so I so don't use nearly as much potting soil. Annuals don't need a lot of  room for their root systems because they have such a short growing season, dying with the first good freeze. This also great for those who grow veggies in containers!


  • If you see plants that are not in very good shape ask the manager if they'll give you a discount! I scored hanging flower baskets at a fraction of the cost because they were all wilted due to lack of water (they looked really bad). I took them home, dosed them with water and in a few days they looked great! You can also cut them back to promote new growth.


  • Do the same with mulch and decorative rock. If you see torn bags, ask for a discount. Do you have a tree trimming service in your area? They may be able to provide you with FREE wood mulch!

flower seeds

  • At the end of the year buy seeds on sale and refrigerate them in a brown paper bag. They'll last a few years after the use by date!

  • Sprinkle salt between decorative rocks or patio stones to keep grass from growing and to kill weeds.

top 10 tips - weed killer vinegar recipe

  • You can also use full strength vinegar to kill grass and weeds between rocks and in sidewalk cracks. You can also make a grass killing recipe by adding 1 cup of salt and one tablespoon of dish soap to spray on the weeds.

  • Here's two recipes for pest control: #1 mix a tablespoon of dish soap with a cup of cooking oil.  Mix 3 tablespoons of this with 1 quart of water and spray on plants. #2 Steep about 6-8 cloves of garlic with some red pepper flakes in a quart of water.  Let this mixture set for about a week and then spray on plants.

top 10 tips for gardening - clay pots

  • Another use for vinegar:  Clean the white salt buildup on clay pots by soaking them in undiluted vinegar. You can also add 1 cup of white vinegar for every 4-5 cups of water if you don't have a lot of vinegar on hand. The less vinegar you have the longer they'll need to soak. Thanks for the pic The Gardening Cook!

  • Stale coffee and coffee grounds make great organic (and cheap) fertilizer. They provide many trace minerals as well as  nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous.

  • Use coupons whenever possible (of course 😉 )

If you have any frugal gardening tips of your own, let us know!

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